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Statement on Signing the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004
George W. Bush
Statement on Senate Passage of the "Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004"
Statement on Senate Passage of Healthy Forests Restoration Legislation
Statement on Senate Action To Block a Vote on the Nomination of Judge Charles W. Pickering, Sr., To Be a United States Court of Appeals Circuit Judge
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Michael O. Leavitt as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Statement on Signing the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act
Statement on the Death of Madame Chiang Kai-shek
Statement on the Iraq Donors' Conference
Statement on Senate Action To Block a Vote on Class Action Reform Legislation
Statement on Senate Passage of Partial-Birth Abortion Legislation
Statement on the Death of Don Luis Ferre
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Indonesia
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Singapore
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines
Statement on Congressional Passage of the Supplemental Funding Request To Support the War on Terror
Statement on the United Nations Security Council Resolution on Iraq
Statement on Japan's Announcement of Reconstruction Aid to Iraq
Statement on the Terrorist Attack on Americans in the Gaza Strip
Statement on Shirin Ebadi Receiving the Nobel Peace Prize