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Joint Statement with W. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Statement Against Profiteering in Italian-Ethiopian War.
Statement on a More Permanent Plan for American Agriculture.
Statement on the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Printing of the English Bible.
Statement on Proclamations 2141 and 2142
Statement on Voluntary Agreements under N.I.R.A.
Statement on the Budget.
Statement on Naval Construction Policy.
Statement on the Murder of Senator Huey P. Long.
Statement on Neutrality Legislation.
Statement on Signing Amendments to the Agricultural Adjustment Act.
Announcement of the Appointment of Interdepartmental Committee for Coordination of Federal Health Activities
Statement on Signing the Social Security Act.
Statement on Signing the Motor Carrier Act.
Statement on Encouraging Peace in Ethiopia.
Statement on Religious Status of Americans in Mexico.
Statement on Accepting a Portrait of King George V.
Statement on Signing the National Labor Relations Act.
Statement Fixing Jurisdictions of P.W.A. and W.P.A.
Statement on the World Power Conference.