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Statement on Nicaraguan Bandit Activity.
Herbert Hoover
Statement on the Death of Nicholas Longworth, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Statement on Federal Taxes and Expenditures.
Statement on Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Statement on the Appointment of John R. Alpine to the United States Employment Service.
Statement on Oil Imports and Production.
Statement on the Death of Joseph P. Cotton, Under Secretary of State.
Statement on the Disapproval of a Bill To Provide for the Establishment of a National Employment System
Statement on the Franco-Italian Naval Agreement.
Statement on Muscle Shoals Legislation.
Statement on the Emergency Adjusted Compensation Act, 1931.
Statement About the Resignation of Walter E. Hope as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Statement on the Employment Stabilization Act of 1931.
Statement on Public vs. Private Financing of Relief Efforts.
Statement on the Visit of Canadian Prime Minister Richard B. Bennett.
Statement on the Reorganization of the Government of the Virgin Islands.
Statement on the Nomination of Benedict Crowell as Brigadier General of the Army Reserve Corps
Statement on the Death of Nathan Straus.
Statement About Refusal To Resubmit Federal Power Commission Appointments to the Senate.
Statement About the Resignation of George E. Akerson as Secretary to the President