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Statement on the Central American Peace Agreement
Ronald Reagan
Statement on the Senate Confirmation of David S. Ruder as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Statement on the Death of Jesse Unruh
Statement on the Senate Confirmation of Alan Greenspan To Be a Member and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Statement on Poverty and Income Statistics for 1986
Statement on the Death of James Burnham
Statement on the Death of Malcolm Baldrige
Statement on Signing the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act
Statement on the International Trade Bill
Statement on the United Nations Security Council Resolution Concerning the Iran-Iraq War
Statement on the Death of Nathan Perlmutter
Statement on Signing the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1987
Statement on Proposed International Agricultural Trade Reform
America's Economic Bill of Rights
Statement on the Resignation of Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
Statement on the Death of Arthur F. Burns
Statement on the Death of Fred Astaire
Statement on the Proposed Federal Budget
Statement on the Nomination of David S. Ruder To Be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Designation as Chairman
Statement on the Proposed United States Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia
Venice Economic Summit Conference Statement on the Iraq-Iran War and the Persian Gulf
Venice Economic Summit Conference Statement on East-West Relations
Venice Economic Summit Conference Statement on Terrorism
Statement on Japan-United States Semiconductor Trade
Statement on Proposed Soviet-United States Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Reductions
Statement on Signing the New GI Bill Continuation Act
Statement on Signing the Farm Disaster Assistance Act of 1987
Statement on the 40th Anniversary of the Truman Doctrine
Statement Following a Meeting With Austrian Chancellor Franz Vranitzky
Statement on the Attack Against the U.S.S. Stark
Statement on Signing a Bill Amending the Bankruptcy Code
Statement on the Death of Rita Hayworth
Statement on the Investigation of Attorney General Edwin Meese III
Statement on the Death of Stewart B. McKinney
Statement on the United States Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Proposal
Statement on Senate Action on the Budget Bill
Statement on the Death of Former Director of Central Intelligence William J. Casey
Statement on the Establishment of a National Commission on AIDS
Statement on the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations
Joint Statement on Japan-United States Relations