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Statement on House of Representatives Action on the International Trade Bill
Ronald Reagan
Statement on the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Morocco-United States Treaty of Peace and Friendship
Statement on Soviet-United States Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Reduction Negotiations
Statement on Tariff Increases on Japanese Semiconductor Products
Statement on Meetings in Moscow Between Secretary of State Shultz and Soviet Leaders
Statement on Tax Reform
Statement on the Executive Order Facilitating Access to Science and Technology
Statement on the Veto Override of the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987
Statement on the Japan-United States Semiconductor Trade Agreement
Statement on Returning Without Approval the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987
Statement by the President on Soviet-United States Intermediate- Range Nuclear Force Reduction Negotiations
Statement on Signing the Government National Mortgage Association Securities Bill
Statement on the Strategic Defense Initiative
Statement on the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987
Statement on Michael K. Deaver
Statement on Acid Rain
Statement on the Death of Woody Hayes
Statement on the Appointment of Kenneth M. Duberstein as Deputy Chief of Staff to the President
Statement on the Death of Edward Zorinsky
Statement on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Reductions
Statement on the Death of Danny Kaye
Statement Announcing the Nomination of William H. Webster To Be the Director of Central Intelligence
Statement on the Withdrawal of the Nomination of Robert M. Gates To Be Director of Central Intelligence
Statement on the Resignation of Donald T. Regan and the Appointment of Howard H. Baker, Jr., as Chief of Staff
Statement on the Iran-Iraq War
Statement on the Lifting of Economic Sanctions Against Poland
Statement on the Death of Bryce N. Harlow
Statement on Proposed Catastrophic Health Insurance Legislation
Statement on Signing the Emergency Food and Shelter Bill
Statement on Signing the Bill Prohibiting Strikes or Lockouts During the Long Island Rail Road Labor-Management Dispute
Statement on the Kidnapings of United States Citizens in Lebanon
Statement on the Resumption of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Statement on the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations
Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the Czechoslovak Human Rights Initiative
Statement on the Death of Harold Macmillan
Statement on the Seventh Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Statement on United Nations Reforms
Statement on the Appointment of an Independent Counsel To Investigate the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
Statement on the Hospitalization of William J. Casey