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Statement on the Nation's Economy
Ronald Reagan
Statement on the Conference on Confidence and Security Building Measures and Disarmament in Europe
Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the Solidarity Movement in Poland
Statement on the Establishment of the Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance Office
Statement on the Denial of Import Relief for the Nonrubber Footwear Industry
Statement on the 1984 Census Bureau Report on the Poverty Rate
Statement on the Retirement of Senator Paul Laxalt of Nevada
Statement on Signing the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987
Statement on Signing the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1985
Statement on the Death of John Willard Marriott
Statement on Signing the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1985
Statement on the 40th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima
Statement on Signing the Bill Extending the Equal Access to Justice Act
Statement on Congressional Approval of the Federal Budget Resolution
Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the Signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Statement on Signing the Export Administration Amendments Act of 1985
Statement on Senate Action on the Nomination of William Bradford Reynolds To Be Associate Attorney General
Statement Announcing Actions Against Terrorism
Statement on House of Representatives Approval of United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Statement on Signing the United States-Israel Free Trade Area Implementation Act of 1985
Statement on Soviet and United States Compliance With Arms Control Agreements
Joint Honduras-United States Communique
Statement on the Exile of Andrei Sakharov and Human Rights in the Soviet Union
Bonn Economic Summit Declaration on Sustained Growth and Higher Employment
Bonn Economic Summit Political Declaration on the 40th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War
Statement on the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations
Statement on Senate Action on the Budget Resolution
Statement on House of Representatives Disapproval of United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Statement on Senate Approval of United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Statement on the Israel-United States Free Trade Area Agreement
Statement on the Festival of India
Statement on Signing the Bill Extending Conditional Loan Guarantee Agreements for Ethanol Fuel Production Facilities
Statement on the Establishment of the Economic Policy Council and the Domestic Policy Council
Statement on Signing the African Famine Relief Bill
Joint Columbia-United States Statement on Drug Abuse and Trafficking
Statement on House of Representatives Approval of MX Missile Production
Statement on Proposed Youth Employment Opportunity Wage Legislation
Statement on the Death of Major Arthur D. Nicholson, Jr., in the German Democratic Republic