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Statement on the Fourth Anniversary of the Signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki
Jimmy Carter
President's Commission on the Coal Industry Statement on Receiving the Commission's Report.
United States Troop Withdrawals From the Republic of Korea Statement by the President.
Department of Education Statement on House of Representatives Action Approving the Legislation.
Statement on the Death of Arthur Fiedler
Seoul, Republic of Korea Joint Communiqué Issued at the Conclusion of Meetings With President Park.
Tokyo Economic Summit Conference Declaration Issued at the Conclusion of the Conference.
Amendments to the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 869 Into Law.
Statement on the Death of ABC News Correspondent Bill Stewart
Vice President's Trip to the People's Republic of China Statement by the President.
Panama Canal Treaties Statement on House of Representatives Approval of Legislation To Implement the Treaties.
Vienna Summit Meeting Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Communiqué.
Veterans' Health Care Amendments of 1979 Statement on Signing S. 7 Into Law.
Gold Medal for Hubert H. Humphrey Statement on Signing S. 613 Into Law.
Statement on the Death of John Wayne
Air Quality Standards in Ohio Statement on Actions by the Environmental Protection Agency To Preserve Coal-Related Jobs.
Decontrol of Domestic Oil Prices Statement by the President.
Statement on the Death of U.S. District Judge John H. Wood, Jr.
Gold Medal for John Wayne Statement on Signing S. 631 Into Law.
The Federal Budget Statement on Congressional Approval of the First Concurrent Resolution on the FY 1980 Budget.
Sunset Review Legislation Statement by the President.
Statement on the Death of Ben Fortson
Statement on the Death of Civil Rights Leader A. Philip Randolph
Clinch River Breeder Reactor Statement on Action by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
Alaska Public Lands Legislation Statement on the House of Representatives Approval of the Legislation.
Gasoline Shortages in California Statement by the President.
Human Rights in Uganda Statement by the President.
Statement on the Death of Cyrus Eaton
Meeting With President Aristides Royo of Panama Joint Press Statement.
Standby Gasoline Rationing Plan Statement on Senate Approval of the Plan.
Senator Abraham Ribicoff Statement on the Connecticut Senator's Decision Not To Seek Reelection.
Visit of Prime Minister Ohira of Japan Joint Communiqué.
Department of Education Statement on Senate Action on the Legislation.
Clinch River Breeder Reactor Statement on Action by the House Science and Technology Committee.
United States-Soviet Union Exchange of Prisoners White House Statement.
Standby Gasoline Rationing and Energy Conservation Contingency Plans Statement Urging Congressional Approval of the Plans.
Statement on the Death of Maryella Bayh
Statement on the Death of Rogers C. B. Morton
National Forest System Lands Statement Announcing Decisions on Wilderness Designations.