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Statement on Signing the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act.
Gerald R. Ford
Statement on Signing the Social Services Amendments of 1974.
Statement on Signing Bills Honoring Herbert Hoover and Harry S. Truman.
Statement on Signing the Speedy Trial Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing a Bill Establishing Rules of Evidence in Federal Court Proceedings.
Statement on Signing the Privacy Act of 1974.
Statement Announcing Presidential Clemency Decisions
Statement on Signing Emergency Jobs, Unemployment Assistance and Compensation Legislation.
Statement on Signing the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing Legislation Establishing the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area in Ohio.
Statement on Signing Legislation Establishing a Commission on Federal Paperwork.
Statement on Signing Budget Rescission Legislation.
Statement on Signing the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act.
Statement on the Ninety-third Congress.
Statement on the Confirmation of Nelson A. Rockefeller To Be Vice President of the United States
Statement on Signing the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act.
Statement on Signing the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Communique Following Discussions With President Giscard d'Estaing of France.
Statement on the Death of Walter Lippmann.
Statement Following Senate Action on the Trade Act of 1974.
Statement on the Canonization of Elizabeth Bayley Seton.
Statement on the Senate's Confirmation of Nelson A. Rockefeller To Be Vice President of the United States.
Statement on Signing the Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1975.
Statement on Signing the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act Amendments of 1974.
Joint statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Statement on Signing the Joint Funding Simplification Act of 1974.
Statement on the Death of U Thant.
Joint United States-Soviet Statement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms.
Joint Communique Following Discussions With General Secretary Brezhnev of the Soviet Union.
Joint Communique Following Discussions With President Park of the Republic of Korea.
Joint Communique Following Discussions With Prime Minister Tanaka of Japan.
Statement on Sugar Imports.
Statement on the Results of the 1974 Elections.
Statement on Receiving a Crystal Grown Aboard the Skylab Space Station.
Statement on Signing the Amtrak Improvement Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing Legislation Increasing Federal Deposit Insurance.
Statement on Signing Legislation Concerning the Regulation of Interest Rates
Statement on Signing Indian Claims Commission Appropriations Legislation.
Statement on Signing the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974.
Statement on Signing the Reclamation Development Act of 1974.