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Statement by the President on the Signing of the Labor, HEW, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President Reviewing Progress in the Desegregation of Schools.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting With Dr. Howard Rusk on Health and Welfare Needs in South Viet-Nam.
Statement by the President on the Role of the National Export Expansion Council.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Apportionment of Funds for the Interstate Highway System.
Statement by the President Announcing Program in Aid of Elderly Citizens of Low Income.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bills Providing Additional Benefits for Disabled Veterans.
Statement by the President Following Senate Committee Action on the Higher Education Bill.
Statement by the President Following House Passage of the Higher Education Bill.
Statement by the President Upon Announcing a Program of Assistance to Los Angeles.
Statement by the President to Cabinet Members and Agency Heads on the New Government-Wide Planning and Budgeting System.
Statement by the President on Efforts To Improve the International Monetary System.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Amending the Atomic Energy Act.
Statement by the President on the Death of Representative Clarence J. Brown of Ohio.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Military Pay Raise Bill.
Statement by the President on the Draft Treaty To Prevent the Spread of Nuclear Weapons
Statement by the President on the Need for Industry-Wide Procedures To Settle Manning Disputes on Automated Ships.
Statement by the President on the Ratification by Korea of the Basic Relations Treaty With Japan.
Statement by the President Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Signing of the Social Security Act.
Statement by the President Following the Restoration of Order in Los Angeles.
Statement by the President on Announcing Plans for the White House Conference on Health.
Statement by the President in Response to Reports on the Federal-State Program of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Statement by the President on the Employment Record for July.
Statement by the President on the Proposed Korean Institute for Industrial Technology and Applied Science.
Statement by the President Following House Judiciary Committee Action on the Immigration Bill.
Statement by the President Upon Announcing a White House Conference on Equal Employment Opportunities.
Statement by the President on Establishing the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting With the Advisory Committee on International Monetary Arrangements.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting on the Dominican Situation.
Statement by the President on the Death of Adlai Stevenson
Statement by the President on Requesting the Water Resources Council To Take Steps To Meet the Northeastern Drought.
Statement by the President Following Passage of the Voting Rights Bill by the House of Representatives.
Statement by the President Following Passage of the Medicare Bill by the Senate.
Statement by the President on Announcing U.S. Participation in the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Statement by the President on Announcing a Mission To Consider U.S. Cooperation in Establishing a Korean Institute for Industrial Technology and Applied Science.
Statement by the President on Ordering Further Withdrawal of U.S. Forces From the Dominican Republic.
Statement by the President Following Passage of the Housing Bill by the House of Representatives.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Limiting Duty-Free Imports by Tourists.
Statement by the President on the Death of Bernard Baruch.
Statement by the President on Announcing the First International Symposium on Water Desalination.