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Joint Statement with Churchill on Anti-Submarine Warfare.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Statement Warning Neutral Nations Against Asylum for War Criminals.
Statement on the First Anniversary of the WAVES.
Summary Statement on the 1944 Budget.
Statement on Signing House Joint Resolution 147.
Statement on Bastille Day
Statement on Signing a Bill Suspending the Crop Insurance Program.
Statement on the End of the Coal Strike.
Statement Warning the Axis Against Using Poison Gas.
Statement on Signing an Executive Order on on the Seizure of Coal Mines
Statement on Japanese Execution of the Tokyo Raiders.
Statement Criticizing Legislative Riders.
Statement on Signing an Executive Order on Stabilization of Wages, Prices, and Salaries
Statement on the Second Anniversary of the Lend-Lease Act.
Statement Opening the Red Cross Fund Drive.
Statement Opposing the Confirmation of Federal Employees Making Over $4,500 a Year
Joint Statement with President Vargas of Brazil.
Official Communique on the Casablanca Conference.
The President's Statement on Farm Mobilization Day.
Statement on War and Peace.
Statement on Temporary Political Arrangements in Africa.
Statement on Signing the Bill Reducing the Draft Age.
Statement on the Vichey Decision to Sever Relationships with the United States.
The President Expresses the Hope That All Those Eligible Will Vote on Election Day.
Statement on Columbus Day.
Statement on the Plan to Try Nazi War Criminals.
Statement on Labor Day.
Statement on Axis Crimes in Occupied Countries.
Joint Statement of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill on Their Conferences.
Statement Announcing War Production Figures.
Statement on Roosevelt-Molotov Conversations.
Statement on Japanese Use of Poison Gas.
Statement on Maritime Day.
Statement on Relations Between the Department of State and the Board of Economic Warfare.
Statement Approving the Suspension of Anti-Trust Proceedings During the War.
Statement on Proclaiming April 6 as Army Day
Statement on General MacArthur's Departure from the Philippines.
Statement on Signing the Emergency Price Control Act.
Statement on Raw Materials, Munition Assignments, and Shipping Adjustment Boards.
Statement Against Discharging Loyal Aliens from Jobs.