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Statement on Signing a Proclamation Suspending the Marketing Quota Provisions of the Sugar Act of 1937
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Statement Discouraging the Sale of Airplanes to Belligerents Who Bomb Civilians.
Statement on the Conflict Between Russia and Finland.
Statement on Relief Efforts for Drought Sufferers.
Statement on Combat Areas.
Statement on the Threatened Sinking of the S.S. "Iroquois."
Statement on Education.
Statement on the Prayer for Peace.
Statement on Signing a Proclamation Suspending Marketing Limitations on Sugar
Statement Placing the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Charge of Espionage Investigation.
Statement on Labor Day.
Statement on Signing to the Social Security Act.
Statement on Signing a Bill for Improvements on the Panama Canal.
Statement on Court Reorganization.
Statement on the White House Neutrality Conference.
Statement Denying a "Split" with the Secretary of State on Neutrality.
Statement on Signing the Agriculture Appropriation Act.
Statement on Signing a Work Relief Bill.
Statement on Foreign Trade Week.
Statement on a Rider to a Defense Measure.
Statement on Proposed Embargo Tariffs.
Statement on the Cotton Export Situation.
Statement at the Beginning of Negotiations Between C.I.O. and A.F. of L.
Statement on the Committee to Study Civil Service Principles for Professional, Scientific and Technical Positions.
Statement on Refugees in Palestine.
Statement on Senator Wagner of New York
Statement on the Sit-Down Strikes in Michigan.
Report on the Public Works Administration Program.
Statement on the Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations in Sweden.
A Tribute on the Death of Cardinal Hayes
Statement on the Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations in Great Britain.
Statement on the Export of Helium.
Statement on Accord Reached Between Great Britain and Italy.
Statement on the Death of Colonel House.
Statement on Signing the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938.
Statement on the Federal Civil Service Merit System.
Statement on Cooperation with the Unemployment Census.
Statement on to the Red Cross Membership Drive.
Statement on the Brussels Conference on the Far East.
Statement Summarizing the 1938 Budget.