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Statement by the President on the Need for Federal Power Transmission Lines for the Upper Colorado and Trinity Projects.
John F. Kennedy
Joint Statement With Prime Minister Macmillan on Soviet Rejection of Proposal To End Atmospheric Nuclear Tests.
Statement by the President in Support of Bill Providing for Payment of Philippine War Damages.
Statement by the President: The Jewish High Holy Days.
Statement by the President on the Peaceful Integration of Schools in the South and Southwest.
Statement by the President on Ordering Resumption of Underground Nuclear Tests.
Statement by the President on the Physical Fitness of Young Americans.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Foreign Assistance Act.
Joint Statement With Prime Minister Macmillan Proposing a Three-Power Agreement To End Atmospheric Nuclear Tests
Statement by the President on the Increase in the Minimum Wage.
Statement by the President Urging the Congress To Appropriate Requested Foreign Aid Funds.
Statement by the President on the Discovery of the Omega Particle.
Statement by the President on Traffic Safety.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Resolution Deferring Drainage Payments on the Columbia Basin Project.
Statement by the President: Labor Day, 1961.
Statement by the President Upon Welcoming the Millionth Visitor to the White House in 1961.
Statement by the President on Ambassador Dean's Return to the Geneva Test Ban Conference.
Statement by the President Urging Bipartisan Support for Long-Term Foreign Aid.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Vice President of the Republic of China.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Nigeria.
Statement by the President on Communication Satellite Policy.
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Order Assigning Major Responsibility for Civil Defense to the Secretary of Defense.
Statement by the President Concerning the U.S. Reply to the Soviet Government's Aide Memoire on Germany and Berlin.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Nyerere of Tanganyika.
Statement by the President Concerning a Plan for the Development of Northeast Brazil.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Pakistan.
Statement by the President on the Signing of Equal Opportunity Agreements by Major Government Contractors
Statement by the President Following Receipt of Report of Board of Inquiry in the Maritime Strike.
Statement by the President on the Death of Ernest Hemingway.
Statement by the President Concerning Economic Cooperation Between the United States and Pakistan.
Statement by the President on the 10th Anniversary of the Colombo Plan.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Social Security Amendments of 1961.
Statement by the President on Establishing a Board of Inquiry in the Maritime Strike.
Statement by the President Upon the Entry Into Force of the Antarctic Treaty
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan.
Statement by the President on the Garrison Diversion Irrigation Development in the Upper Missouri River Basin.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of deLesseps Morrison as U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Fanfani of Italy.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Youlou.
Joint Statement Following Discussion With Prime Minister Macmillan.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Premier Khrushchev in Vienna.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President de Gaulle.
Statement by the President Concerning Adlai Stevenson's Special Mission to South America.
Statement by the President Upon the Signing of a Joint Statement by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity
Statement by the President on the Tractors-for-Freedom Movement.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting With Roberto T. Alemann, Minister of Economy of Argentina.
Statement by the President Concerning Interference With the "Freedom Riders" in Alabama.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing for an Increase in the Federal Judiciary.
Statement by the President Upon Transmitting to Congress Plans for Small Watershed Protection Projects in 15 States.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Diefenbaker of Canada.
Joint Statement Following Meeting With Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the European Economic Community.
Statement by the President Announcing a Peace Corps Project in Colombia.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting With the Conference of Appalachian Governors.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Bourguiba.
Statement by the President on the Flight of Astronaut Alan B. Shepard
Statement by the President Announcing a Program of Assistance to the Textile Industry.
Statement by the President Upon Appointing Teodoro Moscoso of Puerto Rico as U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Sukarno of Indonesia.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Amending the Aeronautics and Space Act.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Caramanlis of Greece.