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Statement on Temporary Political Arrangements in Africa.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Statement on Signing the Bill Reducing the Draft Age.
Statement on the Vichey Decision to Sever Relationships with the United States.
The President Expresses the Hope That All Those Eligible Will Vote on Election Day.
Statement on Columbus Day.
Statement on the Plan to Try Nazi War Criminals.
Statement on Labor Day.
Statement on Axis Crimes in Occupied Countries.
Joint Statement of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill on Their Conferences.
Statement Announcing War Production Figures.
Statement on Roosevelt-Molotov Conversations.
Statement on Japanese Use of Poison Gas.
Statement on Maritime Day.
Statement on Relations Between the Department of State and the Board of Economic Warfare.
Statement Approving the Suspension of Anti-Trust Proceedings During the War.
Statement on Proclaiming April 6 as Army Day
Statement on General MacArthur's Departure from the Philippines.
Statement on Signing the Emergency Price Control Act.
Statement on Raw Materials, Munition Assignments, and Shipping Adjustment Boards.
Statement Against Discharging Loyal Aliens from Jobs.
Joint Declaration of the United Nations on Cooperation for Victory
Statement on Conferences with Prime Minister Churchill.
Statement on War Production Policy with Canada.
Statement to the Management-Labor Conference on Uninterrupted Production.
Statement on the Executive Order Establishing the Office of Censorship
Statement of Thanks to the Republican and Democratic National Chairmen for Pledging Cooperation in the War.
Statement on a Conference on Wartime Labor Policy.
Statement Announcing Army Forces in Dutch Guiana.
Statement to Management and Labor on Coal Production for Steel Manufacture.
Statement Denouncing the Nazi Murder of French Hostages.
Statement on the Atlantic Charter Meeting with Prime Minister Churchill.
Statement on the Executive Order on Freezing Japanese and Chinese Assets in the United States
Statement on the Appointment of William J. Donovan as Coordinator of Information.
Statement on the Executive Order on Authorizing and Directing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and Operate the Inglewood Plant of North American Aviation, Inc.
Statement Condemning Vichy Collaboration with Germany.
Statement Praising the Resistance of the Greek People.
Statement on the Executive Order on Extending the Classified Civil Service
Announcement of New Bases in Greenland
Statement at the Dedication of the Infantile Paralysis Unit at Tuskegee Institute, Alabama.
Statement on Financial Aid to China.
Statement on Art Week.
Statement of Thanks to Senders of Congratulations on the Re-election.
Statement on Signing the Joint Resolution for Mr. Justice Holmes.
Statement on the President's Personal Entrance into the Campaign.
Statement on Requisitioning Munitions and Equipment.
Statement on Leif Ericson Day (October 9).
Statement on Peace Time Universal Selective Service.
Statement on Export of Planes, Aircraft Plans and Designs.
Statement on Signing Two Statutes to Protect Investors.
Statement on a Joint Board for Defense of Canada and the United States.
Statement on Candidacy for a Third Term.
Statement on Signing the Alien Registration Act.
Statement on Inter-American Economic Cooperation.
Statement on the Civil Aeronautics Authority Under the New Reorganization Plans.
Statement on the Nazi Invasion of Denmark and Norway.
Statement on Signing the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Bill.
Statement on the Return of Under Secretary of State Welles from His European Mission.
Statement of Respect and Regard for Finland.