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Joint Statement by the United States and the European Union on the Global Economy
George W. Bush
Joint Statement by G-8 Leaders on the Global Economy
Statement on Signing the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009
Statement on Signing the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008
Statement on Signing the United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Nonproliferation Enhancement Act
Statement on Senate Confirmation of James Jeffrey as United States Ambassador to Turkey
Statement on Senate Confirmation of General David D. McKiernan as Commander of United States Armed Forces in Afghanistan
Statement on Senate Action on Economic Stabilization Legislation
Statement on Senate Passage of India-United States Nuclear Cooperation and Nonproliferation Legislation
Statement on Signing the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009
Statement on Congressional Action on Economic Stabilization Legislation
Statement on House of Representatives Passage of India-United States Nuclear Cooperation and Nonproliferation Legislation
Statement on Provincial Elections Legislation in Iraq
Statement on the National Economy
Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Islamabad, Pakistan
Statement on the Death of Carlos Marin
Statement on the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Corporations
Statement on the Situation in Georgia
Statement on Military Operations in Iraq
Statement on the Selection of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as Republican Vice Presidential Candidate
Statement on the Death of Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones
Statement on the Death of President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa of Zambia
Statement on the 10th Anniversary of Terrorist Attacks Against U.S. Embassies in Africa
Statement on the International Convention Against Doping in Sport
Joint Statement by the United States of America and Pakistan on Strategic Partnership
Statement on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact
Statement on Signing an Executive Order Blocking Property of Additional Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe
Statement on the 90th Birthday of Nelson R. Mandela
Statement on Senate Passage of Legislation To Reauthorize the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Statement on the Death of Former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow
Statement on the Death of Senator Jesse Helms
Statement on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Statement on the Situation in Zimbabwe
Statement on the United States Supreme Court Ruling on Individual Gun Rights
Joint Statement by the United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Judges for the United States Courts of Appeals and District Courts
Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Dmitry A. Medvedev of Russia on the Fourth Meeting of the Global Initiative To Combat Nuclear Terrorism
Statement on the Death of Timothy J. Russert
Statement on the Death of Jim McKay
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Steven C. Preston as Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the Proliferation Security Initiative
Statement on the Situation in Burma
Statement on the Presidential Election in Lebanon
Statement on the Death of W. Hamilton M. Jordan
Statement on Senate Confirmation of G. Steven Agee as United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit
Statement on Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Statement on Farm Legislation
Statement on the Earthquake in China
Statement on the Situation in Lebanon
Statement on Congressional Passage of Student Loan Access Legislation
Statement on World Press Freedom Day
Statement on North Korea Freedom Week
Statement on Armenian Remembrance Day
Statement on National Donate Life Month
Statement on the No Child Left Behind Act
Joint Statement by President George W. Bush, President Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa of Mexico, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada