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Rhode Island Indian Claims Settlement Act Statement on Signing H.R. 12860 Into Law.
Jimmy Carter
Diplomatic Relations Act Statement on Signing H.R. 7819 Into Law.
Futures Trading Act of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 2391 Into Law.
Federal Pesticide Act of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 1678 Into Law.
Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1978 Statement on Signing H.R. 7814 Into Law.
International Security Assistance Act of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 3075 Into Law.
Civil Service Retirement Credit for Japanese Americans Interned During World War II Statement on Signing H.R. 9471 Into Law.
District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1979 Statement on Signing H.R. 13468 Into Law.
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 9 Into Law.
Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust Statement on Signing H.]. Res. 1014 Into Law.