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Press Briefing by E.P.A. Administrator Carol Browner and Attorney General Janet Reno
William J. Clinton
Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers
Press Briefing by Director of National Drug Control Policy, Dr. Lee Brown
Press Briefing by U.S. Trade Representative, Mickey Kantor Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Roger Altman and Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, W. Bowman Cutter
Press Briefing by Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Bob Rubin, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Laura Tyson, and Office of Management and Budget Director Leon Panetta
Press Briefing by Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Secretary Robert Reich, and Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors Laura Tyson
Press Briefing by the Vice President, Secretary Henry Cisneros, Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, Attorney General Janet Reno and Director of Drug Policy Lee Brown
Background Briefing by Senior Administration Official
Press Briefing by Secretary of Education Richard Riley and Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy William Galston