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Press Briefing by Mike McCurry
William J. Clinton
Background Briefing by Senior Administration Official
Press Briefing by Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin, and National Security Advisor Anthony Lake
Press Briefing by Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, O.M.B. Director Alice Rivlin, Secretary of Labor Bob Reich, and Secretary of Education Richard Riley
Background Briefing by Senior Administration Officials
Press Briefing by Ambassador Mickey Kantor, Dr. Laura Tyson, Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown
Press Briefing by Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, O.M.B. Director Alice Rivlin, Secretary of H.H.S. Donna Shalala, and Dr. Laura Tyson, National Economic Council
Press Briefing by White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry and State Department Spokesman Nick Burns
Press Briefing by Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Secretary of Defense William Perry, and Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin