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Remarks Following a Meeting With President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland
Barack Obama
Remarks With Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, President José Manuel Durão Barroso of the European Commission, and President Herman Van Rompuy of the European Council in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland
Remarks at a Youth Town Hall Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Interview with Charlie Rose on PBS "Charlie Rose"
The President's Weekly Address
Remarks Honoring the 2012 Women's National Basketball Association Champion Indiana Fever
Remarks at a Reception Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser in Miami Beach, Florida
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser in Miami, Florida
Remarks at a Fundraiser for Senatorial Candidate Representative Edward J. Markey in Boston, Massachusetts