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Remarks at a Senate Campaign Fundraiser for Representative James T. Broyhill in Greensboro, North Carolina
Ronald Reagan
Remarks to Marine Corps Basic Training Graduates in Parris Island, South Carolina
Remarks and an Informal Exchange With Reporters on the United States Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia
Remarks at a White House Presentation Ceremony for the President's Volunteer Action Awards
Radio Address to the Nation on Terrorism
Remarks on Greeting the National Spelling Bee Finalists
Remarks to Members of the American Tort Reform Association
Remarks to the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers
Remarks at a Dinner for Former Members of the Office of Strategic Services
Remarks Following Discussions With President Jose Simeon Azcona Hoyo of Honduras
Remarks at a Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia
Radio Address to the Nation on Voluntarism
Remarks During a White House Briefing for Members of the American Retail Federation
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With High School Students From the Close Up Foundation
Remarks at the Annual Republican Senate/House Fund-raising Dinner
Remarks on Signing the Just Say No To Drugs Week Proclamation
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With the Senate Finance Committee on the Tax Reform Bill
Remarks at a White House Ceremony for World Trade Week and the "E" and "E Star" Awards
Radio Address to the Nation on Armed Forces Day
Remarks at the Annual White House News Photographers' Association Dinner