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Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on East-West Trade Relations and the Soviet Pipeline Sanctions
Ronald Reagan
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a White House Reception for Participants in the Youth Volunteer Conference
Remarks on Signing the National Family Week Proclamation
The President's News Conference
Remarks by Telephone to Columbia Astronauts During the First Commercial Operations Mission of the Space Shuttle
Remarks to Reporters Announcing the Appointment of Ambassador Philip C. Habib as the President's Special Representative for the Middle East
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Citizens Medal to Raymond Weeks at a Veterans Day Ceremony
Remarks at a White House Ceremony Celebrating the 207th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps
Radio Address to the Nation on the Congressional Agenda and the Economy
Remarks at a White House Luncheon for Delegates to the Conference on Free Elections
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini of Italy Following Their Meetings
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the Congressional Elections
Radio Address to the Nation on the Economic Recovery Program
Remarks at a Utah Republican Party Rally in Salt Lake City
Remarks at a New Mexico Republican Party Rally in Roswell
Remarks at a Montana Republican Party Rally in Great Falls
Remarks at a Nevada Republican Party Rally in Las Vegas
Remarks at a Wyoming Republican Party Rally in Casper
Remarks on Greeting Winners of the New York Marathon
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Kate Smith in Raleigh, North Carolina