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Remarks on Signing Into Law the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians Act
Jimmy Carter
Ceremony Honoring Hispanic Americans Remarks at the Swearing-ln Ceremony for Richard J. Rios as Director of the Community Services Administration and the Signing of a Proclamation.
United States Summer Olympic Team Remarks at a White House Reception to Members of the Team.
United States Summer Olympic Team Remarks at the Medal Presentation Ceremony.
Billy Carter's Activities With the Libyan Government Remarks Concerning the Disclosure of Administration Actions.
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Remarks at a Ceremony Commemorating the Frith Anniversary of the Signing of the Final Act in Helsinki.
Carter/Mondale Presidential Campaign Remarks at a White House Reception for Delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
Boys Nation Remarks to Delegates Attending the Annual Meeting.
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980
Remarks at a Ceremony To Announce the National Energy Efficiency Program's Second Phase and Present Transportation Efficiency Awards
Dallas, Texas Remarks at a Dallas County Democratic Committee Voter Registration Rally.
Dallas, Texas Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser.
Alaska Lands Legislation Remarks During a White House Briefing.
Robards, Kentucky Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fund-raising Luncheon.
Justin, Texas Remarks Following a Tour of a Field Damaged by Heat and Drought.
Carter / Mondale Presidential Campaign Remarks at a White House Reception for Delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
50th Anniversary of the Veterans Administration Remarks During a Program Celebrating the Anniversary.
Congressional Medal of Honor Remarks on Presenting the Medal to Lt. Col. Matt Urban, U.S. Army, Retired.
Great Plains Coal Gasification Remarks Announcing Federal Loan Guarantee for Plant To Be Built in North Dakota.
Girls Nation Remarks to Delegates Attending the Annual Meeting.