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Hollywood, Florida Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraising Dinner.
Jimmy Carter
Jacksonville, Florida Remarks at a Public Reception.
Jacksonville, Florida Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Community and Civic Leaders.
Jacksonville, Florida Exchange With Reporters.
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Detroit
Ronald Reagan
Hollywood, Florida Remarks at the Annual Congress of the International Transport Workers Federation.
Tokyo, Japan Interview With Japanese Reporters.
Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska Exchange With Reporters on Departure From Anchorage.
Remarks on Arrival at Haneda International Airport in Tokyo, Japan
Detroit, Michigan Remarks to Reporters Following a Meeting With Automobile Industry, Representatives
Merced, California Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Modesto, California Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraising Brunch.
Miami, Florida Remarks to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Portola Valley, California Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraising Dinner.
Los Angeles, California Remarks to the National Education Association.
Oakland, California Remarks at a Reception for East Bay Area Community and Civic Leaders.
Remarks on Signing Proclamation 4771 on Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Small Business Administration Authorization Bill
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Motor Carrier Act of 1980
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bill