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Remarks to a Committee of the Inter-Church Conference on Marriage and Divorce at the White House
Theodore Roosevelt
Remarks at a Meeting of the American Forest Congress
Remarks at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks Introducing the Reverend Charles Wagner to an Audience in Lafayette Theatre
Remarks at the Celebration of the 110th Anniversary of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
Remarks at the Unveiling of the Statue of Frederick the Great in Washington, DC
Remarks in Response to Address of Prince Fushimi of Japan at the White House
Remarks to the Delegates of the Interparliamentary Union at the White House
Remarks at a Reception Given by President Roosevelt to Porto Rico School Teachers at the White House
Remarks Accepting the Republican Nomination for President
Remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Remarks at a Dinner of the Periodical Publishers' Association of America
Remarks on Receiving the Members of the National Republican Editorial Association at the White House
Remarks Before the National Committee of the St. Louis Good Roads Congress at the White House
Remarks to the Delegates of the German Societies Received at the White House
Remarks at the Centennial Exercises in the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church
Remarks at the Pan-American Missionary Service at the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul at Mount St. Alban
Remarks at the Unveiling of the Sherman Statue in Washington, DC
Remarks in Antietam, Maryland
Remarks in Hagerston, Maryland