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Memorial Day Remarks at Gettysburg Cemetery
Rutherford B. Hayes
Inaugural Address
Deposition in the Trial of Orville E. Babcock
Ulysses S. Grant
Remarks at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Army of the Tennessee in Des Moines, Iowa
Excerpt of an Interview with the New York Herald on the Advantages of Annexing Santo Domingo
Remarks Responding to a Speech by John M. Langston, Representing the National Convention of Colored Men
Remarks in Belvidere, Illinois
Remarks Following the Presidential Election in Galena, Illinois
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Republican Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Remarks in Cleveland, Ohio
Andrew Johnson
Remarks in Buffalo, New York
Remarks at a Meeting in Honor of Washington’s Birthday
Interview With a Colored Delegation Respecting Suffrage
Remarks with General Otman Hashem of the Bey of Tunis
Interview with Judge Wardlow, Alfred Huger, Colonel Dawkins and W.H. Trescott of South Carolina
Remarks to the First District of Columbia Colored Regiment
Interview with George L. Stearns on the Restoration of the Southern States and the Status of the Negro
Address Upon Assuming the Office of President of the United States