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Remarks on the National Economy
George W. Bush
Remarks at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
Remarks Honoring NCAA Championship Teams
Remarks on the War on Terror and a Question-and-Answer Session in Charlotte, North Carolina
Remarks on Immigration Reform Legislation in Charlotte
Remarks on Immigration Reform Legislation
Remarks in a Discussion on Health Care Reform in Bridgeport, Connecticut
Remarks Following a Meeting on Health Care Initiatives and an Exchange With Reporters
The President's Radio Address
The President's News Conference With President Vicente Fox Quesada of Mexico and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada in Cancun
Remarks Following a Tour of the Chichen-Itza Archaeological Ruins With President Vicente Fox Quesada of Mexico and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada in Chichen-Itza, Mexico
Remarks Following Discussions With President Vicente Fox Quesada of Mexico in Cancun
Exchange With Reporters in Cancun, Mexico
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada in Cancun
Remarks to Freedom House and a Question-and-Answer Session
Remarks Following Discussions With President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria
Interview With CNN Espanol
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Andrew H. Card, Jr., as White House Chief of Staff and the Appointment of Joshua B. Bolten as White House Chief of Staff
Remarks Following a Cabinet Meeting
Interview With CTV