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Remarks on the 2001 Economic Report and an Exchange With Reporters
William J. Clinton
Exchange With Reporters Following a Medical Checkup in Bethesda, Maryland
Remarks to the Community in Dover, New Hampshire
Interview With Steve Holland and Debbie Charles of Reuters
Interview With Mark Knoller of CBS Radio in Dover, New Hampshire
Remarks at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks Honoring Dorothy I. Height at the National Council of Negro Women
Remarks at a Luncheon for Senator Max Baucus
Remarks on the Unveiling of a Statue at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial
Remarks at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan
Remarks at a Private Party in Chicago
Remarks to an Overflow Crowd in Chicago
Interview With Allison Payne of WGN-TV in Chicago
Remarks at James Ward Elementary School in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks to the People of Chicago
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Citizens Medal
Remarks to the Democratic National Committee Staff
Remarks at the Rededication of the AFL-CIO Building
Remarks at the Foundry United Methodist Church
Remarks at an Israel Policy Forum Dinner in New York City