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Remarks at a Rally for the Million Mom March
William J. Clinton
The President's Radio Address
Remarks Following a Meeting With Million Mom March Representatives and an Exchange With Reporters in Akron, Ohio
Remarks in an Interview and Townhall Meeting on ABC's "Good Morning America"
Remarks to the Community in Shakopee, Minnesota
Opening Remarks at a Roundtable Discussion in Akron on Permanent Normal Trade Relations With China
Remarks on the Observance of National Equal Pay Day
Exchange With Reporters Following the National Equal Pay Day Observance
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Congressional Conferees on the Patients' Bill of Rights and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Award Ceremony for the National Teacher of the Year
Videotaped Remarks to the White House News Photographers' Association
Interview With Diane Rehm of WAMU National Public Radio
Remarks on Proposed Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Legislation
Remarks in Arlington, Virginia, to the National Conference on Building Prosperity in the Delta
Remarks on Permanent Normal Trade Relations With China
Remarks on Presenting the Commander in Chief's Trophy to the United States Air Force Academy Falcons
Remarks at a Reception for Senator Mary L. Landrieu
Remarks at a Reception for Senator Daniel K. Akaka
Remarks Following a Meeting With Million Mom March Organizers and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Reception for Representative Baron P. Hill in Bethesda, Maryland