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Remarks on Signing the Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act of 1996
William J. Clinton
Remarks in Buffalo, New York
The President's News Conference With Middle Eastern Leaders
Remarks During the White House Middle East Summit and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Announcing the White House Middle East Summit and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks in Providence, Rhode Island
Remarks in Fall River, Massachusetts
Remarks on the Omnibus Budget Agreement and an Exchange With Reporters in Boston, Massachusetts
The President's Radio Address
Remarks at a Campaign Concert for Senator John F. Kerry in Boston
Remarks to the Community in Longview, Texas
Interview With Kathy Lewis of the Dallas Morning News and Nancy Mathis of the Houston Chronicle in Longview
Remarks in Fort Worth, Texas
Remarks Welcoming Returning Astronaut Shannon Lucid in Houston, Texas
Remarks to the Community in Houston
Remarks in a Telephone Conversation With Astronaut Shannon Lucid
Remarks on Signing the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1997
Teleconference Remarks to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Remarks on the Middle East and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Reception