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The President's Radio Address
William J. Clinton
Remarks on the Economy
Remarks on the Appointment of Michael D. McCurry as Assistant to the President and Press Secretary and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on the Legislative Agenda
Remarks at the Dedication of William Jefferson Clinton Elementary Magnet School in Sherwood
Question-and-Answer Session With Students at William Jefferson Clinton Elementary Magnet School in Sherwood, Arkansas
Exchange With Reporters After Duck Hunting Near Cotton Plant, Arkansas
Exchange With Reporters at Cotham's Mercantile Store in Scott, Arkansas
Remarks on Arrival in Little Rock, Arkansas
Remarks on the Release of Bobby Hall by North Korea and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Dan Glickman To Be Secretary of Agriculture and an Exchange With Reporters
Christmas Greeting to the Nation
Exchange With Reporters at Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers' Final Press Briefing
Teleconference on Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities
Remarks on Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities
Remarks on Presenting Medals for Service in Operation Uphold Democracy
Remarks on the Middle Class Bill of Rights and North Korea
Remarks Announcing the Appointment of Joseph Brann as Director of Community Oriented Policing Services