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Exchange With Reporters on the Economic Program
William J. Clinton
Teleconference Remarks With the U.S. Conference of Mayors
Telephone Conversation With the Crew of the Space Shuttle Endeavour and an Exchange With Reporters
Interview With Tim Scheld of WCBS Radio, New York City
Interview With Larry King
Interview With Bob Levey of WMAL Radio, Washington, DC
Remarks to the United States-Mexico Binational Commission and an Exchange With Reporters
Interview With Michael Jackson of KABC Radio, Los Angeles, California
Interview With J.P. McCarthy of WJR Radio, Detroit, Michigan
Interview With Phil Adler of KRLD Radio, Dallas, Texas
Remarks at the National Sports Awards Reception
The President's Radio Address
Remarks at the Northeastern University Commencement Ceremony in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks to the Community in Portland, Maine
Remarks on the Nomination of Doris Meissner To Be Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner and an Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With King Hussein of Jordan
Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of the Newport Jazz Festival
Exchange With Reporters Following Discussions With King Hussein of Jordan
The President's News Conference
Remarks to Representatives From the Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy Institute and an Exchange With Reporters