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Radio Address to the Nation on Domestic Reforms
George Bush
Remarks to the Medal-Winning Teams of the National Science Olympiad
Remarks to the Coalition for the Restoration of the Black Family and Society
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Republican Congressional Leaders
Remarks on Signing the Greek Independence Day Proclamation
Remarks to the National American Wholesale Grocers Association
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Barbara H. Franklin as Secretary of Commerce
The President's News Conference With Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany
Remarks Congratulating the Undefeated National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Teams
Remarks to Republican Members of Congress and Presidential Appointees
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Samuel M. Walton in Bentonville, Arkansas
Remarks at a St. Patrick's Day Ceremony and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks to Steeltech Employees in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Remarks at a Bush-Quayle Fundraising Luncheon in Milwaukee
Remarks to the Polish National Alliance in Chicago, Illinois
Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One
Remarks at a Bush-Quayle Fundraising Dinner in Chicago
Remarks to Stryker Corporation Employees in Kalamazoo, Michigan
Remarks to the Economic Club of Detroit in Detroit, Michigan
Remarks on Arrival in Battle Creek, Michigan