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Remarks on the Proposed Balanced Budget Amendment and an Exchange With Reporters
George Bush
Remarks Following a Meeting With Greek Patriarch Dimitrios I
Remarks to the 30th Biennial Greek Orthodox Church Clergy-Laity Congress
The President's News Conference Following the Houston Economic Summit
Remarks at the Thank You Houston Celebration in Houston, Texas
Remarks on Presenting the Final Communique of the Houston Economic Summit
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for the Houston Economic Summit
Remarks Announcing Canada-United States Air Quality Negotiations and an Exchange With Reporters in Houston, Texas
The President's News Conference Following the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Summit in London, United Kingdom
Exchange With Reporters
Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine
The President's News Conference
Remarks Announcing the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative
Remarks at a White House Barbecue for Members of Congress
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Nelson Mandela
Remarks to United States Attorneys
Remarks at the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for the Children's Inn at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland
Remarks Congratulating the Detroit Pistons on Winning the National Basketball Association Championship
The President's News Conference in Huntsville, Alabama
Remarks at a Fundraising Dinner for Senator Jesse Helms in Charlotte, North Carolina