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The President's News Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica
George Bush
Remarks to Members of the American Embassy Community in San Jose, Costa Rica
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony in San Jose, Costa Rica
Exchange With Reporters in San Jose, Costa Rica, on the Situation in Nicaragua
Advance Text of Remarks Upon Departure for the Centennial Celebration of Costa Rican Democracy in San Jose
Remarks at a Ceremony Granting Most-Favored-Nation Trade Status to Hungary
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on Signing a Bill Making Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1990 and Providing Disaster Relief
Remarks Announcing Proposed Legislation on Food Safety and Pesticides
Interview With Latin American Journalists
Remarks to Members of the Institute of International Education
Remarks to Participants in the Prime Time To End Hunger Campaign
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Excellence in Science and Math Teaching Awards
Exchange With Reporters During a Tour of the Earthquake Damage in Santa Cruz, California
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following a Tour of the Earthquake Damage in the San Francisco Bay Area
Exchange With Reporters During a Tour of the Earthquake Damage in Oakland, California
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez Marquez of Spain
Remarks on Receiving the Report of the Vice President and Secretary of Transportation Samuel K. Skinner on the Earthquake Damage in the San Francisco Bay Area
Remarks to Members of the Natural Gas Supply Association
Remarks to National Distinguished Principals Award Recipients
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on the San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake