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The President's News Conference in Helena, Montana
George Bush
Remarks at the Montana Centennial Celebration in Helena
Remarks to the Five-State Legislators Conference in Helena, Montana
Remarks at the South Dakota Centennial Celebration in Sioux Falls
Remarks at a Centennial Tree Planting Ceremony in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Luncheon for Regional Editors and Broadcasters
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Rank Awards
Remarks on Signing the National Historically Black Colleges Week Proclamation
Remarks Announcing Proposed Legislation on Special-Needs Adoption
Remarks on Signing the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Day Proclamation
Remarks at the National Hispanic Heritage Presidential Tribute Dinner
Address to Students on Drug Abuse
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the American Success Awards
Remarks at the Ceremony Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Department of the Treasury
Remarks to the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks to the National Baptist Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks at the American Legion Annual Convention in Baltimore, Maryland
Remarks at the Ceremony Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of "The Star-Spangled Banner" in Baltimore, Maryland
Remarks to the Crew of United Air Lines Flight 232
The President's News Conference on the National Drug Control Strategy