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Remarks at the Commencement Ceremony for Area High School Seniors in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Ronald Reagan
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the "E" and "E Star" Awards
Remarks at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Commencement Ceremony
Radio Address to the Nation on Free and Fair Trade and the Budget Deficit
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Southeast Regional Editors and Broadcasters
Remarks Following Meetings With President Vinicio Cerezo Arevalo of Guatemala
Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
Remarks to Congressional Leaders on Defense Spending
Remarks at a White House Briefing for Members of the Council of the Americas
Informal Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Dedication of Tuskegee University's General Daniel "Chappie" James Center in Alabama
Remarks at the Tuskegee University Commencement Ceremony in Alabama
Remarks at Bob Hope's 40th Anniversary Salute to the United States Air Force in Fayetteville, North Carolina
Radio Address to the Nation on Defense Spending
Remarks to Reporters on the Decline in the Unemployment Rate
Remarks to Members of the American Association of Editorial Cartoonists
Remarks at the Harley-Davidson Company Employee-Management Forum in York, Pennsylvania
Remarks to Harley-Davidson Company Employees in York, Pennsylvania
Remarks on Signing the Executive Order Establishing the White House Conference for a Drug Free America