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Exchange With Reporters in San Diego
William J. Clinton
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters in San Diego, California
Interview With Jim Nantz of CBS Sports in Dallas
Exchange With Reporters in Dallas, Texas
The President's Radio Address
Exchange With Reporters
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
The President's News Conference
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters
Teleconference With the California Medical Association
Teleconference Announcing a Defense Diversification Grant for Charleston, South Carolina
Remarks to Health Care Providers
Remarks in a Health Care Roundtable With Small Business Leaders
Exchange With Reporters in Deerfield Beach, Florida
Remarks in a Health Care Forum in Deerfield Beach
Remarks at a Presidential Dinner in Miami, Florida
Exchange With Reporters in Miami, Florida
Remarks at a Children's Town Meeting
Remarks at the Bosnian Federation Agreement Signing Ceremony
Remarks Announcing Antiviolence Public Service Announcements
Remarks at a Saint Patrick's Day Ceremony With Prime Minister Albert Reynolds of Ireland and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Celebration of Ireland Dinner
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel
Exchange With Reporters in Nashua
Remarks to Employees of Markem Corporation in Keene, New Hampshire
Remarks to Soldiers and Their Families at Fort Drum, New York
Remarks at a Town Meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire
Remarks to Detroit Diesel Employees in Detroit
Remarks to the Community in Boston
Remarks at the Group of Seven Jobs Conference in Detroit
Exchange With Reporters on the Resignation of Associate Attorney General Webster L. Hubbell in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks at the New England Presidential Dinner in Boston
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Group of Seven Ministers in Detroit
Remarks at Focus: HOPE in Detroit, Michigan
Remarks Announcing the Summit of the Americas
Remarks at the United Negro College Fund Dinner in New York City
Remarks at the AmeriCorps Public Safety Forum in New York City
Remarks on the Earned-Income Tax Credit and an Exchange With Reporters