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Remarks at a White House Reception for Members of the Future Farmers of America
Ronald Reagan
Remarks to Citizens in Concord, New Hampshire
Remarks at a White House Barbecue for Members of Congress
The President's News Conference
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Regional Editors and Broadcasters
Radio Address to the Nation on the Farm Industry
Interview With Guillermo Descalzi of the Spanish International Network
Remarks at a White House Luncheon for Elected Republican Women Officials
Remarks at a Senior Citizens Forum on Tax Reform in Tampa, Florida
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Poul Schluter of Denmark
Toast at the State Dinner for Prime Minister Poul Schlfiter of Denmark
Interview With Representatives of College Radio Stations
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Signing the Executive Order Prohibiting Trade and Certain Other Transactions Involving South Africa
Radio Address to the Nation on Free and Fair Trade
Remarks Announcing the Latest Employment Statistics and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Remarks to the Students and Faculty at North Carolina State University in Raleigh
Remarks at the Santa-Cali-Gon Days Celebration in Independence, Missouri
Telephone Interview With Lockwood R. Doty of Washington Broadcast News, Inc.
Telephone Interview With Bob Mohan of WSB Radio in Atlanta, Georgia
Telephone Interview With Tomas Regalado of WRHC Radio in Miami, Florida
Radio Address to the Nation on Education
Remarks at a California Republican Party Fund-raising Dinner in Los Angeles
Radio Address to the Nation on the 40th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War in the Pacific
Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1985
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Radio Address to the Nation on Economic Growth and Tax Reform
Remarks to Members of the Evangelical Press During a White House Briefing on Tax Reform
Radio Address to the Nation on Economic Growth and Minorities
Excerpts From an Interview With Hugh Sidey of Time Magazine
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Li Xiannian of China
Toast at the State Dinner for President Li Xiannian of China
Informal Exchange With Reporters
Radio Address to the Nation on the President's Recovery From Surgery
Radio Address to the Nation on the Strategic Defense Initiative
Remarks to the United States Delegation to the United Nations Conference on Women
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session with Regional Editors and Broadcasters
Remarks at the Annual Convention of the American Bar Association