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Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia Sponsored by the West Virginia State Society
Jimmy Carter
Reception Honoring Armenian Americans Remarks at the White House Reception.
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Representatives of the Hispanic Media.
Distributive Education Clubs of America Remarks on Greeting National and State Officers of the Organization.
Spokane, Washington Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Portland, Oregon Informal Exchange With Reporters Upon Departure From the Olson Residence.
Spokane, Washington Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for Riverfront Park.
The President's News Conference
Los Angeles, California Remarks at the Senior Citizens Nutrition Center of the Watts Labor Community Action Committee.
Denver, Colorado Remarks at the Governor's Annual Prayer Breakfast.
Denver, Colorado Remarks at a Meeting With Environmental, Community, and Governmental Leaders.
Portland, Oregon Remarks at a Reception for Community Leaders.
Remarks at the 100th Anniversary Luncheon of the Los Angeles County Bar Association in Los Angeles, California
Denver, Colorado Remarks at a Fundraising Reception for Senator Floyd K. Haskell.
Golden, Colorado Remarks at the Solar Energy Research Institute on South Table Mountain.
Remarks at the National Small Business Person of the Year Presentation Ceremony for Edward Gaffney
30th Anniversary of the State of Israel Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Menahem Begin at a White House Reception.
National Federation of Democratic Women Remarks at a White House Reception
Tree-Planting Ceremony Remarks at the Planting of a Cedar of Lebanon on the White House Grounds.
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Editors and News Directors.
Middle East Arms Sales Remarks by the Secretary of State on the Administration Proposals.
Remarks on Signing Into Law a Bill Authorizing Grants for Institutes Honoring Senators Hubert H. Humphrey and Everett M. Dirksen
President's Commission on Mental Health Remarks on Receiving the Commission's Final Report.
President's Environmental Youth Awards Remarks on Presenting the Awards
National Energy Plan Remarks Urging Congressional Action on the Plan.
Remarks on Senate Ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty
Tax Reduction and Reform Remarks Concerning Proposals Submitted to the Congress.
Emergency Agricultural Legislation Remarks on House of Representatives Action on H.R. 6782.
Toasts at a State Dinner During the Visit of President Ceausescu of Romania
Visit of President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony.
Anti-Inflation Policy Remarks to Members of the American Society of Newspaper Editors Announcing the Administration's Policy.
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments of 1978
Communications Workers of America Remarks at a White House Reception.
Interview With the President Remarks in an Interview for "Black Perspective on the News."
Toasts at a Working Luncheon in Monrovia, Liberia
The President's Trip to Latin America and Africa Remarks on Arrival at the White House.
The President's Trip to Africa Remarks During a Briefing for Reporters on Board Air Force One en Route to Monrovia, Liberia