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Remarks to a Group of Disabled War Veterans
Herbert Hoover
Address at Madison Square Garden in New York City
Remarks at Carnegie Hall in New York City
Rear Platform Remarks in West Virginia
Rear Platform Remarks in West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana
Address in Indianapolis, Indiana
Address to the American Public Health Association
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in West Virginia, Ohio, and Michigan
Address in Detroit, Michigan
Radio Address to the Nation on the Campaign for Community Funds for Relief.
Rear Platform Remarks in West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Ohio
Address in Cleveland, Ohio
Address to the American Bar Association
Radio Address to the Women of America.
Rear Platform Remarks in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Rear Platform Remarks in Illinois and Iowa
Address at the Coliseum in Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks at the Shrine Auditorium in Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks at the State House Plaza in Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks to Iowa Newspaper Editors at the Fort Des Moines Hotel
Remarks to the Republican Joint National Planning Committee To Get Out the Negro Vote
Radio Address to the Women's Conference on Current Problems.
Remarks Upon Laying the Cornerstone of the New Post Office Department Building
Address to the Welfare and Relief Mobilization Conference
The President's News Conference
Address to the Conference of the Federal Reserve District Banking and Industrial Committees
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to Commander Claude A. Jones.
Remarks on Presenting Distinguished Flying Crosses to Aviators Wiley Post and Harold Gatty.
Remarks on the Unveiling of a Memorial Statue of James Cardinal Gibbons
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Remarks on Presenting Distinguished Flying Crosses to Aviators John Polando and Russell Boardman.
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Remarks on Presenting the Gold Medal of the National Geographic Society to Amelia Earhart.