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Exchange With Reporters in Helsinki Following a Meeting With Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel of Turkey
Gerald R. Ford
Exchange With Reporters in Helsinki Following a Meeting With General Secretary L. I. Brezhnev of the Soviet Union
Remarks in Krakow at the Pediatric Institute of the Nicholas Copernicus Medical Academy
Remarks at Market Square in Krakow
Remarks on Arrival at Helsinki, Finland
Remarks on Arrival at Warsaw, Poland
Toasts of the President and First Secretary Edward Gierek of Poland at a Luncheon in Warsaw
Toast at a Dinner in Warsaw Honoring First Secretary Gierek of Poland
Remarks at a Picnic at Kirchgoens, Federal Republic of Germany
Text of a Toast at a Working Luncheon in Bonn Hosted by Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany
Toasts of the President and President Walter Scheel of the Federal Republic of Germany During a Dinner Cruise on the Rhine River
Remarks in Bonn to Reporters Following Discussions With Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany
Remarks at Linz During the Dinner Cruise on the Rhine River.
Remarks on Departure for Europe
Text of Remarks at a Meeting With Representatives of Americans of Eastern European Background Concerning the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Remarks to Reporters on Proposed Compromise With the Congress on the Decontrol of Domestic Oil Prices
Remarks Upon Vetoing the Education Division and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1976
Telephone Conversation With the Astronauts of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Following Recovery of Their Spacecraft.
Remarks on Greeting the Captain of the SS Mayaguez and Crewmembers of the U.S.S. Greenville
Remarks to Congressional Summer Interns.
Remarks on Greeting Delegates to the Annual Boys Nation Convention.
Remarks on Greeting Members of the Future Farmers of America.
Remarks on Receiving a Collection of Day-of-Prayer Proclamations
Remarks on Greeting the 1975 Wimbledon Tennis Champions.
Remarks on Greeting Delegates to the Annual Girls Nation Convention.
Remarks in Arlington to Members of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia.
Telephone Conversation With Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Crews Following Rendezvous and Docking of the Spacecraft.
Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the SER-Jobs for Progress Organization in Arlington, Virginia.
Remarks on Greeting the National Farm Family of the Year.
Remarks on the Launch of the Soyuz Spacecraft
Remarks at the Swearing In of Philip C. Jackson, Jr., as a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Remarks Announcing Proposed Compromise With the Congress on Decontrol of Domestic Oil Prices
Remarks at the Sixth Circuit Judicial Conference in Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Remarks on Departure From Kincheloe Air Force Base, Michigan.
The President's News Conference
Commencement Address at Chicago State University.
Remarks at the Interlochen Arts Academy, Interlochen, Michigan.
Remarks at the Walter Hagen Invitational Golf Tournament in Traverse City, Michigan.
Address in Chicago Before the Mid-America Committee for International Business and Government Cooperation.
Remarks at a Meeting To Discuss Federal Regulatory Reform
Remarks at Groundbreaking Ceremonies for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland
Remarks at a Briefing for Local Officials on General Revenue Sharing.
Remarks Upon Signing a Bill Authorizing Appropriations for International and Domestic Tourism Programs
Remarks to Reporters Following a Meeting With Congressmen To Discuss United States Military Assistance to Turkey
Remarks Announcing Candidacy for the 1976 Republican Presidential Nomination
Remarks Upon Signing the Special Message to the Congress Proposing Federal-Aid Highway Legislation.
Toasts of the President and President Suharto of the Republic of Indonesia
Remarks in Baltimore at the Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine.
Remarks in Cleveland at a Republican Party Fundraising Supper
Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for the National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Remarks at the White House Conference on Domestic and Economic Affairs in Cincinnati.
Remarks Upon Signing the Emergency Housing Act of 1975
Remarks at the Swearing In of Two Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Officials.
Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Remarks on Greeting the Presidential Scholars for 1975.
Remarks Upon Signing the Emergency Compensation and Special Unemployment Assistance Extension Act of 1975
Remarks at the Swearing In of Daniel P. Moynihan as United States Representative to the United Nations.
Remarks About Proposed Legislation To Increase Enriched Uranium Production
Remarks to Participants in the National YMCA Youth Governors Conference.