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Remarks at a Birthday Party for Senator John J. Sparkman.
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks at a Ceremony Marking the Retirement of Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Remarks at American Freedom Train Ceremonies in Alexandria, Virginia.
Remarks at the Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree
Toasts of the President and President Giscard d'Estaing of France at an Informal Dinner Honoring the French President
Toasts of the President and President Giscard d'Estaing of France at a Dinner in Martinique
Remarks on Arrival in Martinique, French West Indies, for Meetings With President Valery Giscard d'Estaing of France
Remarks on Awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor to WO Louis R. Rocco and S. Sgt. Jon R. Cavaiani, United States Army.
Remarks at a Meeting of the Business Council
Remarks on Presenting the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame's Distinguished American Award to Bob Hope in New York City
Remarks at the Unveiling of a Portrait of Representative George H. Mahon, Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations.
Remarks to the Lilly Endowment Continuing Conference for the Liberal Arts.
Toasts of the President and Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany
Remarks of Welcome to Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany
Remarks at the Rockefeller Public Service Awards Luncheon
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada
Remarks to the American Conference on Trade
The President's News Conference
Remarks at the Boy Scouts' Annual Awards Dinner
Remarks at a Reception Honoring Professional Golfer Lee Elder.
Remarks on Signing 18 Executive Warrants for Clemency
Remarks on Signing the National Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1974
Toast at a Luncheon Hosted by L. I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in Vladivostok
Remarks Upon Returning From Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the Soviet Union
Toast at a Dinner Hosted by President Park Chung Hee of the Republic of Korea in Seoul
Remarks on Arrival at Seoul, Republic of Korea
Remarks at Camp Casey, Republic of Korea
Remarks to Reporters Following a Visit to Nijo Castle in Kyoto
Remarks at a Japan Press Club Luncheon.
Toast at a Reception for Members of the Diet
Toast at a Reception for Nongovernmental Dignitaries
Toast at a Dinner Honoring the Emperor and Empress of Japan
Toast at a Luncheon Hosted by Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of Japan in Tokyo
Toast at a Banquet at the Imperial Palace
Remarks at Anchorage, Alaska.
Remarks on Departure for Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the Soviet Union
Remarks on Accepting the F-15 Aircraft for the United States Air Force at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona
Remarks to the Annual Convention of the National Association of Realtors, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the Annual Convention of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, Phoenix, Arizona
Remarks on Signing the WIN Consumer Pledge
Remarks at a Meeting With Coastal State Governors on Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Development.
Toasts of the President and Chancellor Kreisky of Austria
Remarks of Welcome to Chancellor Bruno Kreisky of Austria
Remarks Following a Meeting With Secretary of State Kissinger.
Remarks on Election Eve
Remarks in Salt Lake City, Utah
Remarks in Wichita, Kansas
Remarks in Grand Junction, Colorado
Remarks to Reporters Following a Visit With Former President Nixon at Long Beach, California
Remarks at an Urban League Dance in Portland
Remarks at a Reception for Republican Candidates in Portland
Remarks at Fresno, California
Remarks at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's Annual Auction in Portland
Remarks to the White House Conference on Domestic and Economic Affairs in Portland, Oregon
Remarks at Sioux City, Iowa
Remarks in Los Angeles, California
Remarks at a Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Remarks at Calvin College in Grand Rapids
Remarks at a Reception for Republican Candidates in Grand Rapids