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Remarks at the Signing of the Bill Extending the Peace Corps Act
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks With the Vice President on the Youth Opportunities Campaign.
Remarks on Announcing Appointment of James Vorenberg and Dr. Ralph Huitt
Remarks at the White House Conference on Equal Employment Opportunities
Remarks at the Swearing In of Dr. John W. Gardner as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Remarks at a Conference on the Water Crisis in the Northeastern States.
Remarks at a Ceremony Commemorating the Fourth Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress.
Remarks at the Signing of the Bill Establishing the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site
Remarks at the Swearing In of Henry Cabot Lodge as Ambassador to South Viet-Nam.
Remarks to the Members of the See the U.S.A. Committee.
Remarks at the Signing of the Saline Water Conversion Act
Remarks at a Meeting of the Water Emergency Conference.
Remarks at the Signing of the Housing and Urban Development Act
Meeting With White House Correspondents in the Office of the Press Secretary
Remarks at the Signing of the Health Research Facilities Amendments of 1965
Remarks at the Signing of a Bill Establishing a Five-Day Week for Postmasters
Remarks in the Capitol Rotunda at the Signing of the Voting Rights Act
Remarks at the Signing of the Community Health Services Extension Act
Remarks to College Students Employed by the Government During the Summer
Remarks at the Signing of the Community Mental Health Centers Act Amendments of 1965
Remarks to Members of the Bakersfield College Choir on the Creative and Performing Arts in America
Remarks to the International Platform Association Upon Receiving the Association's Annual Award
Remarks at the Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to Maj. Gen. C. V. Clifton, Jr.
Remarks to Members of the Press at the LBJ Ranch
Remarks With President Truman at the Signing in Independence of the Medicare Bill
Remarks Upon Viewing New Mariner 4 Pictures From Mars.
Remarks on the Status of Women in America.
Remarks at the Signing of an Agreement Providing for a Loan to the Central American Bank for Economic Integration.
The President's News Conference
Remarks at the Department of Defense Cost Reduction Awards Ceremony
Remarks on Announcing the Nominations of Anthony J. Celebrezze as Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, and of John W. Gardner as Secretary, HEW
Remarks at the Swearing In of Arthur J. Goldberg as U.S. Representative to the United Nations.
Remarks at the Signing of the Coinage Act
Remarks to the Members of the World Press Institute
Remarks to the British Ambassador at the Magna Carta Anniversary Ceremony
Remarks at the Signing of the Water Resources Planning Act
Remarks to the Delegates to the White House Conference on Education.
Remarks Upon Announcing the Nomination of Arthur J. Goldberg as U.S. Representative to the United Nations
Remarks at the Swearing In of Rear Adm. John Harllee and James V. Day as Chairman and Vice Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission
Remarks to the American Field Service Students on the Eve of Their Departure From the United States.
Remarks on the Proposed Teaching Professions Bill.
Remarks on Crime Control at the Signing of the District of Columbia Appropriations Bill
Remarks at the Signing of the Drug Abuse Control Amendments Bill
Remarks to Members of Federal Agency Task Forces on Cost Reduction.
Remarks to the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Remarks at the Signing of the Older Americans Act
Remarks at a Luncheon for Members of the Joint U.S.-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs
Remarks Upon Signing World Law Day Proclamation.
Remarks at the Swearing In of LeRoy Collins as Under Secretary of Commerce.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Homer Thornberry as Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit.
Remarks in New York City Before the Convention of the National Education Association.
Remarks at the Swearing In of General McKee as Administrator, Federal Aviation Agency.
Remarks at the Presentation of the Young American Medals.
Remarks to the YMCA Youth Governors' Conference.
Remarks at a Ceremony Marking the First Commercial Communication Satellite Service.
Remarks at the White House Fellows Ceremony.
Address in San Francisco at the 20th Anniversary Commemorative Session of the United Nations.
Remarks at the Democratic Congressional Dinner in the D.C. Armory.