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Memorial Day Address
Woodrow Wilson
Address at the Unveiling of the Statue to the Memory of Commodore John Barry
Address at the Brooklyn Navy Yard: "In the Firmament of Memory"
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the Tampico Incident
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Panama Canal Tolls
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Trusts and Monopolies
First Annual Message
Address Before the Southern Commercial Congress in Mobile, Alabama
Address at Congress Hall, Philadelphia: "Understanding America"
Address at Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Mexican Affairs
Address at Gettysburg
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the Banking System
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Tariff Reform
Inaugural Address
Remarks to the Lotos Club in New York City
William Howard Taft
Address at the Opening Session of the Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
Remarks to Princeton University Students and Neighbors on the Election Victory
"The Progressive Cause is Greater than Any Individual," Remarks at Milwaukee, WI
Theodore Roosevelt
Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination of the Republican Party
Memorial Day Remarks at Arlington Cemetery
Remarks at the Hamilton Club of Chicago
Remarks at the First Regiment Armory Organized by the Hamilton Club in Chicago, Illinois
Memorial Day Address at Arlington Cemetery
Remarks on the Reciprocal Tariff Agreement with Canada in New York City
Address to the National Conservation Congress in St. Paul, Minnesota
Remarks in Osawatomie, Kansas: "The New Nationalism"
Address at the Sorbonne in Paris, France: "Citizenship in a Republic"
Address at the Banquet of the Board of Trade in Newark, New Jersey
Address at the Lincoln Birthday Banquet of the Republican Club of the City of New York
Remarks at the Banquet of the Washington Corral of the Military Order of the Carabaos
Address to the Conference of Mayors
Address Before the National Civic Federation at the Belasco Theatre
Remarks at the New Bowery Mission in New York City
Address at a Mass Meeting in Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Methodist Episcopal Missions in Africa at Carnegie Hall in New York City
Remarks to the Committee of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterways Association
Remarks to the Ohio Valley Improvement Association
Address at the Sixth Annual Convention of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress
Remarks at the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Hampton Institute in Hampton, Virginia
Address on the Occasion of the Convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association in Norfolk, Virginia
Remarks at the Golden Jubilee Dedication of St. Aloysius Church
Address at the Washington Convention of the Laymen's Missionary Movement in Continental Memorial Hall
Remarks at the Auditorium in Richmond, Virginia
Remarks at the Georgia-Carolina Fair in Augusta, Georgia
Address at the Luncheon Tendered by South Carolinians in the House of Representatives of the State Capitol in Columbia, South Carolina
Remarks at the Banquet Tendered by the Citizens of Charleston at the Charleston Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina
Remarks at the State Fair Grounds in Macon, Georgia
Address to the Students of the State Institute and College in Columbus, Mississippi
Remarks at the Chamber of Commerce Banquet in Birmingham, Alabama
Remarks at the Waterways Convention Held at the Atheneum in New Orleans, Louisiana
Address at the Coliseum in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks at the Banquet Tendered by the Citizens of Dallas, Texas
Address at Corpus Christi, Texas
Remarks at the Dedication of the Gift Chapel at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas
Remarks with President Porfirio Díaz of Mexico in El Paso, Texas
Toast of President Porfirio Díaz of Mexico and President Taft's Response at the Custom House in Juarez, Mexico
Address at Prescott, Arizona
Address at City Hall in Phoenix, Arizona
Address at Glenwood Mission Inn in Riverside, California
Remarks at the Banquet Tendered Him by the Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, California