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Memorandum on the Processing of Federal Employees' Claims for Workmen's Compensation Benefits
Lyndon B. Johnson
Memorandum Establishing a Task Force on Summer Domestic Programs
Memorandum From the President to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Urging Support of the 1966 Red Cross Month Campaign
Memorandum on Brotherhood Week
Memorandum to Agency Heads Requesting Reports on Their Employee Safety Programs
Memorandum to the Secretary of State on Export Sales of Surplus Agricultural Commodities to the United Arab Republic
Memorandum Approving the Release of Copper From the National Stockpile
Memorandums on the Need for Coordinating the Practices of Federal Wage Boards
Memorandum Concerning the Power Failure in the Northeastern United States
Memorandum Announcing a New Drive To Improve the Government's Services to the Public