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Memorandum on Informing Congressional Committees of Changes Involving Foreign Economic Assistance Funds.
John F. Kennedy
Memorandum Upon Signing Order Providing for Administration of the Federal Salary Reform Act.
Memorandum on the Year 2000 Plan for the National Capital Region.
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill To Amend the Tariff Classification of Lightweight Bicycles.
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill Concerning Indecent Publications in the District of Columbia.
Memorandum on Manpower Controls and Utilization in the Executive Branch.
Memorandum on Equal Opportunity for Women in the federal Service.
Memorandum Concerning Improvements in federal Office Space and the Redevelopment of Pennsylvania Avenue.
Memorandum on Report "The Competition for Quality" by the federal Council for Science and Technology.
Memorandum on the Need for Greater Coordination of Regional and Field Activities of the Government.