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Memorandum on a Student Aid Bill of Rights To Help Ensure Affordable Loan Repayment
Barack Obama
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Pursuant to Section 1209(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015
Memorandum on Establishment of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center
Memorandum on Determination and Waiver Pursuant to Section 1209 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014
Memorandum on Promoting Economic Competitiveness While Safeguarding Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties in Domestic Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Memorandum on Withdrawal of Certain Areas of the United States Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Alaska From Leasing Disposition
Memorandum on Expanding Federal Support for Predevelopment Activities for Nonfederal Domestic Infrastructure Assets
Memorandum on Modernizing Federal Leave Policies for Childbirth, Adoption, and Foster Care To Recruit and Retain Talent and Improve Productivity
Memorandum on the Twelfth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation
Memorandum on Withdrawal of Certain Areas of the United States Outer Continental Shelf From Leasing Disposition
Memorandum on Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Memorandum on Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees
Memorandum on Modernizing and Streamlining the United States Immigrant Visa System for the 21st Century
Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
Memorandum on Authorizing the Exercise of Authority Under Public Law 85-804
Memorandum on Providing an Order of Succession Within the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Memorandum on Providing an Order of Succession Within the Social Security Administration
Memorandum on Provision of United States Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Brazil
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under Section 614 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2015
Presidential Determination With Respect to the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008
Memorandum on Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians
Memorandum on Certification Concerning United States Participation in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic Consistent With Section 2005 of the American Servicemembers' Protection Act
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under Sections 506(a)(1) and 552(c)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Memorandum on Deepening United States Government Efforts To Collaborate With and Strengthen Civil Society
Presidential Determination With Respect to Foreign Governments' Efforts Regarding Trafficking in Persons
Presidential Determination on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries for Fiscal Year 2015
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Memorandum on Continuation of the Exercise of Certain Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act
Memorandum on the Drawdown Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 for France To Support Its Counterterrorism Efforts in Mali, Niger, and Chad
Memorandum on Continuation of United States Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Colombia
Memorandum on Establishing a Comprehensive Approach to Expanding Sub-Saharan Africa's Capacity for Trade and Investment
Memorandum on the Proposed Amendment to the 1958 Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for Cooperation on the Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defense Purposes
Memorandum on Expanding Public-Private Collaboration on Infrastructure Development and Financing
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Pursuant to Section 4 of the Support for United States-Republic of Korea Civil Nuclear Cooperation Act
Memorandum on Delegation of Reporting Functions Specified in Section 1206(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014
Memorandum on Enhancing Workplace Flexibilities and Work-Life Programs
Memorandum on Creating a Federal Strategy To Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators
Memorandum Establishing a Comprehensive Framework To Combat Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing and Seafood Fraud