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Nomination of Eric M. Javits To Be United States Ambassador to Venezuela

July 06, 1989

The President today announced his intention to nominate Eric M. Javits to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Venezuela. He would succeed Otto J. Reich.

Mr. Javits currently serves as a senior partner with the firm of Javits, Robinson, Brog, Leinwand and Reich, P.C., and has been an attorney with the law firm of Javits and Javits since 1958. He is actively involved in several civic organizations. In 1981 Mr. Javits received Spain's Isabela La Catolica decoration from King Juan Carlos.

Mr. Javits graduated from Columbia College (A.B., 1952) and Columbia Law School (J.D., 1955). He was born May 24, 1931, in New York, NY. He is married, has two children, and resides in New York City.

George Bush, Nomination of Eric M. Javits To Be United States Ambassador to Venezuela Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/263644

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