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Statement on the Death of Alice Roosevelt Longworth

February 20, 1980

Alice Roosevelt Longworth was part of the life of Washington for so long that it will be hard to imagine this city without her.

As the teenage daughter of a young President, she burst upon the scene with the dawning of the new century, and throughout her long, full life she always seemed to Personify the freshness and irreverence of modern times. She had style, she had grace, and she had a sense of humor that kept generations of political newcomers to Washington wondering which was worse—to be skewered by her wit or to be ignored by her.

Rosalynn and I extend our sympathy to Mrs. Longworth's granddaughter, Joanna Sturm, and to her many friends.

Jimmy Carter, Statement on the Death of Alice Roosevelt Longworth Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/250289

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