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Iowa Democratic Party Caucuses Statement by the President.

January 21, 1980

I deeply appreciate the vote of confidence from Iowa Democrats. Their expression of support is particularly welcome in these difficult times.

This campaign was a success primarily because of the dedication and hard work of thousands of volunteers. I want them to know that I am personally grateful for their commitment and determination.

I congratulate Senator Kennedy and his supporters for a hard-fought and wellorganized effort in Iowa.

All those Iowans of both parties who attended the precinct caucuses demonstrated their belief in our system of representative democracy. That system is the strength of our Nation and the hope of the world.

I regret that I was unable to campaign personally in Iowa and look forward to the time when international circumstances permit me to seek actively and personally the support of my fellow Democrats.

Jimmy Carter, Iowa Democratic Party Caucuses Statement by the President. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/249582

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