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Jimmy Carter photo

Message on the Observance of Independence Day, 1980

June 17, 1980

Across the United States on Independence Day our citizens join in celebration of the freedoms we cherish, in thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed on us and in prayerful remembrance of those who do not share in our good fortune.

Rosalynn and I will be there in spirit with all our patriotic and proud fellow Americans who take part in the many commemorative events this historic day inspires.

We join you in a rededication to this nation's unbending commitment to human rights for all and in a reaffirmation of our nation's founding principles. We hope that each of the special programs and activities that mark this occasion will be inspiring, memorable and enjoyable.


Jimmy Carter, Message on the Observance of Independence Day, 1980 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/251026

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